Friday, June 10, 2011

take it back!

the other day i was in winners and i was at the customer service desk. the woman ahead of me had a t-shirt that she was returning. she gives it to the winners girl and says, "when i washed this, it shrunk about 3 inches so i'd like to return it." i chuckled to myself thinking, "that's your problem - shouldn't have dried it!" the winners girl says, "oh dear, that's not good," and promptly begins refunding her her money. WHAT? WE CAN RETURN THINGS THAT WE SHRINK? this realization may have completely changed my life...


theRachel said...

Hmm...let me know how this works out for you (the returning things you shrink bit), b/c part of me suspects it was just a lamebrain employee who took the item back.

Or, just look for that employee at Winner's when you're trying to return something next time :)

LaelDyck said...

some places will take back anything! i hope this works out for you.